Your views sought on all things digital

CSP is holding a series of online listening events to allow members to share the challenges they face using data, digital and technology within their physiotherapy practice.


As part of the Physiotherapy Health Informatics Strategy (PHIS), the CSP are seeking member insight to guide future work in this area.

Euan McComiskie, health informatics lead at the CSP, explains the aims of the events: 'We want to establish how the CSP can support you and what your priorities are.

'All CSP members are invited to attend, regardless of their digital expertise or current practice.

All views and opinions are very welcome, and you can attend on whichever date works best for you

The PHIS team will be hosting listening events on Microsoft Teams on the following dates:

Book your place now

Members who would like to take part are requested to inform the PHIS team which event they would like to attend, by completing this quick survey

If you are unable to attend any of the above dates, then the survey link above also has a space to share your opinions there, and an email address to which you can send any other views.

Number of subscribers: 2

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