Event Details

Online event

Event Organiser

Organiser name:

CSP LGBTQIA+ network

Organiser email:


Who can attend:

  • This event welcomes participation exclusively from current students and recent graduates who identify as LGBTQIA+ and are members of the CSP or other allied health professional organisations. Please do not register for this event if you do not fall into these categories.

What to expect:

  • Find out more about the CSP LGBTQIA+ network, who we are, and how we can support you throughout your studies!
  • The event will include an opportunity to meet and greet fellow students studying across the UK, as well as share our experiences of studying physiotherapy as LGBTQIA+ people. We hope to use this event as an opportunity to swap ideas, tips, tricks, questions, and a chance to discuss matters affecting LGBTQIA+ physiotherapy students throughout their studies and placements.
  • Any thoughts, questions, or ideas? Please contact LGBTQIA@csp.org.uk

Joining details:

  • The zoom details for this meeting will be circulated in the confirmation email sent following registration, so please do check your spam if you do not receive this. A reminder will also be sent shortly before the meeting start time – again please do check your spam folders
  • Please ensure that you check the accuracy of your email address used for registration submission/use the email you are most likely to check regularly, as this is where all the majority of correspondence relating to the event will be sent.