
A selection of tools and information


Black cultural archives 

This national heritage centre is the home of Black British history. Based in Brixton, London, it hosts gallery exhibitions, educational programmes and public events, as well as access to a unique set of archives preserving the histories of African and Caribbean people in Britain. 

Black and British: A forgotten history 

A history of Britain’s relationship with the people of Africa and the Caribbean, by the historian and broadcaster David Olusoga. The award-winning book covers Roman Britain, the medieval imagination, Elizabethan ‘blackamoors’, the global slave-trading empire and both world wars, and describes how the lives of black and white Britons have been entwined for centuries.  

  • Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga Pan Macmillan ISBN: 9781447299769 

Black History Month 2020 

An introduction to Black History Month 2020, this website includes news, features, events and resources highlighting the accomplishments of Black Britons ‘in every area of endeavour throughout our history’. A resource pack that supports organisations to celebrate and promote Black History Month 2020  is available on the site

Championing community rehabilitation - an influencing toolkit for you 

A free resource designed to help you secure time with local healthcare decision makers to champion community rehabilitation is available.  

The toolkit gives CSP members information and advice to help identify and structure interactions with decision-makers and opinion-formers to  promote the case for community rehab. 

Resources appearing on this page are not necessarily endorsed by the CSP 


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