The power of activism

Being an activist in your trade union or actively engaged in your professional body are two sides of the same the coin, says Helen Purcell

In Front June 2024 image featuring Helen Purcell is a CSP senior negotiating officer
Helen Purcell is a CSP senior negotiating officer

Too often we define activism in political terms, but in its simplest form it is just about taking an active role in influencing the things that affect our lives. 

In your June Frontline, we highlight the story of a CSP member who did just that when her life was left devastated following the sudden death of her son.  We learn how she actively fought for justice and how the support she received from the CSP made a real difference to her. The article shines a light on the power of activism, even in the darkest of circumstances. 

We also hear from Jack Mckenzie, a CSP safety rep, who became activated during the NHS pay campaign. He describes how small wins prompted by active intervention can lead to positive change at work that benefits all.  

Activism then has many faces, and in a democratic organisation perhaps the one we recognise best due to our own experience as citizens, is exercising our right to vote. 

The forthcoming CSP council elections present you with an opportunity to take a small but important action as activists in your professional body and trade union.

All CSP members will receive an election pack by post. This will contain the candidates’ election addresses, a ballot paper and a pre-paid return envelope for casting your vote Please return your postal vote by 1 July. 

Voting is activism in action – exercise your power.

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